SABMiller plc

SABMiller plc jobs
Founded in South Africa in 1895, SABMiller has grown to become one of the world’s largest & most respected brewing companies. With operations in over 60 countries, it has more beer brands in the world’s top 50 than any other brewer and it ranks among the top 3 brewers in more than 30 countries. Every minute of every day throughout the world an average of over 46,000 pints of SABMiller beer is consumed. SABMiller manufactures and markets over 150 beer brands. These include such international names as: Peroni Nastro Azzurro, Miller Genuine Draft, Castle Lager and Pilsner Urquell, as well as major regional brands such as: Miller Lite, Carling Black Label, Aguila, Cristal, Pilsener, Atlas, Snow and Tyskie. The SABMiller organisation is passionate about brewing. From local beers steeped in tradition to brands that are recognised around the world, the company’s ambition is always to offer an outstanding product. Its quality is backed by some of the most efficient brewing and distribution operations in the industry – not to mention its long and successful record of market research and brand development in all corners of the world. Its success also lies in the way it conducts its business - with a respect for partners and employees combined with a desire to support & invest in the local community. SABMiller’s history is one of exceptional growth and returns to shareholders. With its global footprint of 71,000 employees, strong portfolio of brands and spread of operations in both mature and developing markets, SABMiller is well placed to continually improve on this growth.

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