Buffalo Bayou Brewing Co.

Buffalo Bayou Brewing Co. jobs
Our mission is to brew the most creative, highest quality beer we can, and get it into the hands of anyone who prefers more interesting beers. We call ourselves Houston’s Most Creative Brewery because we brew a crazy number of constantly rotating recipes involving ingredients and flavor combinations that are atypical for the beer industry. But the truth is, we’re actually really traditional in our approach, and are process-driven and detail-oriented. People love us or hate us, and it takes a very specific type of person to thrive in our culture. We seek out intellectually curious individuals who relish the challenge of extremely high standards without getting flustered by the fact that we are constantly improvising and revising the plan based on new information. We are a very small company that has grown at an incredible pace in its first four years, and is poised to grow even more. We’ve had our fair share of growing pains and have plenty more coming, so we seek out individuals who can bring structure to chaos and will enjoy our fast-paced, hard-driving culture.

Jobs by Buffalo Bayou Brewing Co.

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