The Old Dock Street Brewery LLC

The Old Dock Street Brewery LLC jobs
Let's rewind about three decades and go grab a beer. Let's find a good beer. Let's find a great beer. Forget local, we'll settle for domestic. In 1985, amidst a proverbial sea of watered down and adjunct-plagued lagers, Rosemarie Certo and Jeffrey Ware founded Dock Street Brewing Company, one of the first post-prohibition craft breweries in the country - and Philly’s first all-grain brew pub. 
Fast-forward about a decade to 1996 and Dock Street would become the 26th largest microbrewery in the country, producing over 25,000 barrels of beer a year, distributing to 24 states, and earning medals in the world's most prestigious beer competitions.

Dock Street was sold in 2000, but then reacquired by Certo in 2002. For a decade or so, Dock Street produced two of our flagship brews, Royal Bohemian Pilsner and their Amber Ale. In 2007, Certo oversaw the completion of her new brewpub at the corner of 50th and Baltimore Avenue, in the beautiful, progressive West Philadelphia.
We’ve come a long way since our first location at 18th and Cherry - 3.9 miles, to be exact - but to this day, countless craft beer drinkers credit Dock Street as the beer that turned them away from watery macro-brews and domestic light lagers. Now, we’re known as much for our fearless experimental beers like the Walker (brewed with goat brains in honor of our favorite show, The Walking Dead) as for staples like our Bohemian Pilsner or our Rye IPA, which Beer Advocate ranks among the Top 15 Rye Beers in the World. (An impressive feat, considering that only about 500 barrels of the Rye IPA are brewed a year and sold exclusively in Philadelphia.)
Our name, Dock Street, was chosen in honor of the seaport district which was, in the late 1700's, the largest producer of beer in the then-newly-formed country. Today, we still brew with the spirit of Philadelphia's sudsy history, and Dock St. in mind.

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